
Friday, June 3, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge

Whilst rummaging around on Pinterest the other day, I came across an inspirational pin. Originally posted on the Blog of photographer Mary Woestehoff , White Peach Photography, was what started as a small idea to challenge herself into taking a photo every day and then blog about it. Now she is now hosting a live 30 day challenge on Flickr! You can add your photo for the day up with everyone else, but I kinda don't want to be influenced by what other people are doing (also I might not be able to take a photo every day and upload it!) so I am going to play along by myself and then compare what I took with the group at the end! Sometimes I get so bogged down with thinking of what I should be taking photos of instead of actually taking them, so this forces me (in a good way!) to just get on with it, and not worry if what I'm doing,is like what everyone else is doing. Of course I will share my 30 pics with you on the blog. Disclaimer: There may be lots of photos of my cats involved........

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